
The content folder contains data that you can use in your pages. Radish supports many different formats of content: you can write in Markdown, or use TOML, YAML or JSON for more structured content.

Markdown content uses MDX, so you can import other React components.

# content/about.mdx
title: All about me!

import Banner from "components/Banner";

Hello, world!

<Banner />

Radish also supports content files in TOML, YAML and JSON. You can reference assets by using url(), like in CSS; Radish will take care of loading the asset and give you the path to the file so you can reference it in your component:

# content/site.toml
title = "A Cool Website"
image = "url('./image.png')"
# content/site.yaml
title: A Cool Website
image: url("./image.png")
// content/site.json
  "title": "A Cool Website",
  "image": "url('./image.png')"

When content is available to your code, it's in an object that matches the file structure of the content folder. For example, if you have the files content/, site.toml, content/blog/ and content/blog/, the content object might look like this:

  site: { title: "A Cool Website", image: "/public/image-ABCDEF90.png" },
  about: { title: "All about me!" },
  blog: {
    "one": { /* ... */ },
    "two": { /* ... */ }

The nested object for each piece of content is populated with the data or front matter from that file.

Remote Data

Radish also supports content files written in JavaScript and TypeScript. If you import from a URL in those files, Radish will make an HTTP request and return the response as a JavaScript object. You can use this to load data from remote data sources:

// content/scrobbles.js

export { default } from "";

You can also write code to process any data you load before exporting it:

// content/scrobbles.js

import res from "";

export default => ({
  artist: track.artist["#text"]


Radish ignores content files if the first character in the filename is an underscore. For example, the page at src/content/ won't show up in the content object. This allows you to work on content without publishing it before it's ready.

Syntax Highlighting

Within .md and .mdx files, Radish will highlight code surrounded with three backticks. You can specify the language immediately after the first set of backticks:

# content/code.mdx

Some example code:

console.log("Hello, world!");

Radish highlights code using highlight.js. The highlight.js website includes a page where you can preview different themes. Once you find one you like, download it from GitHub.

For the highlighting to show up on your website, you need to import the CSS for your chosen theme:

/* styles/syntax.css */

.hljs {
  color: #2f3337;
  background: #f6f6f6;

/* rest of the theme... */
/* styles/style.css */

@import "./syntax.css";
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